Many municipalities across the country have tried to solve the problem of feral cat colonies by capturing and killing them. However, with an estimated 70 million feral cats living in the US and an ability to quickly reproduce, euthanization has just not been feasible. Further, the public has been more inclined toward animal rights and less tolerant of senseless killing. Trap-neuter-(vaccinate)-release is effective and humane.
In 2013, only 18 cats were spayed, neutered, and vaccinated. However, that number drastically increased to 69 in 2014. We have more than tripled out rescued cats to 182 in 2015. With your help, we hope to save over 300 hundred cats and kittens this year!
If you think you can help us help the cats, please visit our Donate Page. Every little bit helps, and everything goes to the animals.
We appreciate anything and everything. You have our sincerest thanks!
Erie Trap and Release